Frequently asked questions.

Whether you're already a member of 121GYM, or are considering becoming a part of our fitness community, you’ll no doubt have a few questions.

We've outlined some answers to the questions you may have below, though if there’s anything still niggling, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


  • You can book any of our fitness classes through the website using your exclusive online member account.

  • Yes, you can change your Direct debit date to either the 1st or 15th of the month. You can make this request by emailing our member services team at

  • If you are OUTSIDE of your first year of membership, you may cancel by providing us with 14 days' notice. You can cancel by emailing our member's services team at We will cancel the membership based on the appropriate amount of days' notice, collect a pro-rate, and stop your billing.

    If you are INSIDE your first year of membership, you may cancel with appropriate notice (specified on your membership agreement) for the following reasons: relocation or medical.

    RELOCATION: If you relocate more than 25 miles away from 121GYM, you may cancel your membership with proof of relocation, such as a utility bill.

    MEDICAL: If your doctor finds you medically unable to work out for more than six months, we will need a letter from your physician. They do NOT need to give us specifics, just their medical opinion that you cannot work out for at least six months. We will send or give you a confirmation once we have processed your cancellation.

  • Yes, you can freeze your membership online, or speak to our member services team and they will freeze your membership for you. Their details are:

  • Yes, our expert personal trainers are on hand to help you establish a fitness routine that works for you. You will have received a free fitness consultation when you joined. If you haven't booked yours yet, we'll be happy to arrange it for you.

  • Yes, you can change the details of the bank account associated with your membership by discussing it with our member services team in-club.

  • Yes. As part of your membership, we offer free passes to friends throughout the year at select times. This is when you're able to bring friends or family for free. As part of your membership, we offer free passes to friends throughout the year at select times. This is when you're able to bring friends or family for free.

  • Yes. As part of your membership you will have full access to our sister


  • Yes. Our guest pass allows you to experience everything 121GYM has to offer. Get yours when you visit the 121GYM Guess Pass Page.

  • Yes, our expert personal trainers are on hand to help you establish a fitness routine that works for you. You'll receive a free consultation in your fitness consultation

  • The vast majority of our most popular classes are free, but speciality classes may incur a small charge. You can view our class timetable here.

  • Monday - Friday 06:00 - 22:00

    Weekends & Bank Holidays 08:00 - 18:00

  • You can decide to pay for your membership monthly via direct debit or all at once as a lump sum.

  • You can choose from a wide variety of membership types designed to suit your lifestyle. Whether you're looking to for something more flexible or to reduce your monthly membership price with a 12-month membership package, we've got something to suit you.

  • Members must be at least 18 years old. If you are 16 or 17 years of age you can join but you must have signed parental consent. Ages 13 - 16 are only permitted to use the facility with a parent or guardian.

  • Yes, we provide showers, lockers and toilets. Please note that lockers require a padlock.